Missing books!

A few books have gone missing over the last couple of weeks and we urgently need them back to complete the sets. We’d be very grateful if everyone could keep an eye out at home! Thank you 🙂

Super Sciencing!

Skipper 1 were super scientists today during our workshop at the Thomas Hardye school. We observed some breath-taking chemical reactions and made our own ’pop rockets’ and moon slime! Thanks very much to our fabulous team of parent helpers!😊

Days of the Week

Here are some ideas for helping to learn how to spell the days of the week. Practising for short amounts of time, lots of praise for effort/learning from mistakes and keeping things fun are key! Click on the links to […]

Healthy Week Tuesday

Today Dorset Cricketer Izy taught us some awesome cricket skills. We learnt bowling and batting skills and played some great games too. It was great fun and we certainly have some cricketing potential in the class!

Healthy Week Monday!

Healthy week kicked off with a very lively ‘Wake and Shake’ aerobics session run by the amazing Mrs Simmonds. In the afternoon we made Rainbow fruit kebabs which the children enjoyed creating and loved eating!

Science Trip helpers

Skipper 1 are off on our science workshop visit to the Thomas Hardye School next week (Thursday 16th June) and we need some parents/carers to join us! It’s a short (but exciting!) visit – we will set off after playtime […]

Jubilee Day 🇬🇧

What a lovely way to end the week before half term! We had loads of fun hunting the Commonwealth corgis, dancing to music from the decades, joining in a whole school rock n’ roll routine and of course waving our […]

Jubilee Hall Art Trip

Today Skipper 1 visited the amazing art exhibition at Jubilee Hall. We saw lots of different media and the children all found their favourite works of art. We were very proud to see that one of our very own artists […]