How many ways can you share 12?

We love maths in S1. Our current topic is Division. In year 1 we explore equal grouping and sharing. The class were challenged to investigate how many ways 12 could be shared equally. They were also asked to record their […]

Art in the Sun

We started our art topic on Printing by gathering rubbings from outside. Skipper 1 explored the textures and patterns on tarmac, wood, brick, metal grids, paving slabs โ€“ every surface they could find! Next week weโ€™ll be cutting and sticking […]

Making Waves ๐ŸŒŠ

This beautiful print by Japanese artist Hokusai inspired us to create our own Great Waves! We used pen to draw lines and shapes then added colour with pastels. Our attention to detail was fantastic โ€“ can you spot people in […]

Stinky Science

Today Skipper 1 have been learning about Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. To discover more we dissected some animal poo in an attempt to find out which group the animal belonged to. It was pretty yucky, but our results were great. […]

More Sealife Centre Adventures!

I hope youโ€™ve enjoyed our trips to the Sealife Centre as much as I have, Skipper 1 โ€“ how fantastic to start our Amazing Oceans topic with such an exciting experience! ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿฆž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿข A huge thank you to all our parent […]