Safer Internet Day 07.02.23

Tuesday 7th February is national Safer Internet Day. The children have spent time in class discussing and learning about how to stay safe online. The main focus of our learning has been the importance of talking to a trusted grown-up […]

Our Week 27.01.23

It’s the end of another week and January is nearly at an end too! In maths, we have been thinking about division. We’ve started using objects to help us physically move and divide groups of objects.  We can also use […]

Our week 20.01.23

What a busy week it’s been. From sunshine and ice to a short lived downfall of snow!  We’ve been multiplying in our classes and have started looking at ‘word challenges’ or ‘word problems’ like these:   We used some really […]

Our Week 13.01.23

In Skipper 2, we enjoyed our rearranged visit to Shire Hall!  Here we are standing on the steps that people like the judge would’ve used. We learnt that the Shire Hall was a very important building in Dorset for many […]

Our Week 06.01.23

The happiest of new years to you all and a warm welcome back! After a busy four days in January, we’re just about getting used to the darker mornings without the Christmas sparkle from December!  In maths we have been […]

Our Week 16.12.22

Somehow the end of the Autumn Term is upon us! We’ve been feeling festive this week wearing our Christmas/winter themed outfits on Wednesday and were entertained by our friends in year 4’s talent show, ‘The X-Mas Factor!’.  Thank you for […]

Shining Stars!

We hope you enjoyed Year 2’s performance of A Christmas Carol! The children were brilliant on stage. We missed some of our friends in our class who couldn’t make it! We’re very proud of all the children! They were amazing!