It’s the end of another busy week!
We’ve been busy remembering about significant explorers in history and have been using maps in geography.
We enjoyed looking at maps of Dorchester to find human and physical features. We worked with a partner to make a map of our school too and then used it to add extra details.

For our homelearning challenge, we’ve asked the children to choose a small local area like your street (or somewhere of their choosing!) to make a small simple map. The simple map will aim to show an aerial view so using google earth or google maps might help you see the area differently and help you show it on your map.

We’ve been thinking about using similes in our writing to add description. We looked at pictures from The Promise and used the colour thesaurus to help us. E.g. ‘The buildings were as dull as ash and the bridge was as dark as a shadow.

We’ve been busy in maths recapping skills to help us with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
In science we’ve been thinking about plants including some very unusual (and smelly!) ones like the corpse flower!

Everyone ‘s been very busy!