The happiest of new years to you all and a warm welcome back!

After a busy four days in January, we’re just about getting used to the darker mornings without the Christmas sparkle from December! 

In maths we have been busy thinking about times tables. We’re also thinking about our times tables and have been focusing on our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables. We have learnt how the ‘x’ symbol can mean ‘lots of’ or ‘equal groups of’. We used repeated addition to show this: 

We are using arrays to show how times tables are ‘commutative’. This means if we know one times table fact, we know its partner: E.g. if we know 3 x 5, we know 5 x3: 

In PE on Thursdays we have been doing ‘multi skills’ using balance, coordination and agility to help us with a circuit of activities; from balancing tennis balls to target throwing practise. Here’s a photo to give you an idea (I forgot to take my iPad to the lesson to take a Damers class photo – sorry!). 

We’ve been busy thinking about the Victorians again and have been comparing Victorian schools with our own and have enjoyed finding out about inventions from the Victorian era. We can’t wait to go to the Shire Hall next Wednesday! 

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