Somehow the end of the Autumn Term is upon us! We’ve been feeling festive this week wearing our Christmas/winter themed outfits on Wednesday and were entertained by our friends in year 4’s talent show, ‘The X-Mas Factor!’.
Thank you for your kind words and messages today; we all wish you a lovely holiday break and enjoyable Christmas if you are celebrating.
We’ve continued thinking about the Victorians and how we can find out about what happened byt creating a timeline. Sometimes timelines are horizontal, like this:
Sometimes they are vertical, like this:
We made our own timeline using our own dates of birth to help understand and visualise a timetable before creating our own with key dates from the Victorian times:
Thank you for sharing the children’s Victorian projects during this term’s home learning challenge. We have been inspired by the children’s knowledge and skills! The children talked confidently about what they had learnt, sharing posters, facts, photos, recipes and even a puppet show!
We have been learning about some jobs that some Victorian children may have had to do.
Children working in a factory. Some days, work could start at 6am
and finish at 8pm.
In maths, we have concluded adding and subtracting two digit numbers. Here are some examples of addition and subtraction questions without any renaming:
Here are some examples where we have to rename:
We used base 10 resources to help us:
We’ve also started thinking about our times tables. We’ve enjoyed using this game to practise: