The end of our final full week before half term has arrived with a distinctly autumnal feel. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Parent/Teacher evenings, it is lovely to hear how settled your children are and how much they are loving the learning in Year 2.

Last week we enjoyed a visit from King Kimba, poet and Hip Hop artist. He performed some poetry and rap for the children which they all really loved. Kimba inspired us and taught us about alliteration. We had a go at thinking of our own ideas using alliteration in a funny way: “Cool cats cleverly crept”, “Amazing ants attacked an angry alligator” 

In literacy we have been writing up a version of Baba Yaga. We have focussed on using and editing adjectives to help us describe the characters and the setting. We have learnt the story really well and have started to retell it to our friends, adding expression in places where appropriate.

We’ve been adding using different methods in maths. 

We’ve looked at how we can solve these questions mentally, using a number line, partitioning (using a part part whole model, and with the column method). Here are some examples of how we could add 18 +38 to solve this challenge:

In music we have been enjoying singing and learning some new songs and we’ve continued sketching and shading in art. We have looked at lots of different landmarks around the world which has helped us recall different country and continent names too.  We virtually visited the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City – Italy. 

The children will be bringing home some spelling ideas with the Year 1 (revision) and Year 2 common exception words. 

We hope you have a restful and happy half term. We’re looking forward to seeing you back on Tuesday 1st November.

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