This weekend your child has brought home a school reading book. They have worked really hard in school on the book and are SO excited to show off their reading to you at home. They should be able to read the book confidently to you and hopefully add a bit of expression too. Please celebrate this with your child and tell them what amazing reading they are doing!

This book MUST come back to school on Monday ready for another group to use next week. On Monday your child will be choosing a school library book to bring home and share as well โ€“ please keep this at home to enjoy together whenever you like until the following Monday.

We will explain more about how we are teaching reading now at the Meet and Greet on Monday!

Have a wonderful weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

3 Replies to “Reading books”

    1. You’re very welcome – if there are any questions please just ask, if things are a bit hectic on the gate you could use the Year 1 email or send a message via the school office ๐Ÿ™‚

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