This week we celebrated Holi festival. The Hindu festival celebrates the start of spring through its celebration of love and colours.
Some of our Holi festival activities included making tasty traditional sweets and snacks using our play dough, using colourful rice to fill containers, creating colourful art work using our hands and making Holi cards.
We also played this fun game using water. We had to complete an obstacle course whilst holding a full cup of water and try not to spill a drop. We measured our water at the end to see who had less.
We enjoyed an Easter egg hunt outside. We also enjoyed watching the teachers at school take part in a masked reader competition. It was fun guessing who was behind each funny mask.
We paraded outside to show off our vocabulary outfits to the other Foundation classes. It was great to see so many fun and inspired outfits.

Weโ€™ve got the Big Pedal event starting after the Easter break. See the picture below.

Weโ€™ve now finished our second term of the school year and have one more term to go. Time is just flying by! We hope you all have a lovely Easter break and we look forward to seeing you back for the start of the Summer term on Monday 19th April.


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