What a week! Thank you to everyone in Skipper F for all of their continued support, words of kindness and for all the lovely sharing of home learning on EExAT. It’s been a pleasure to see what the children have been up to at home and we’ve shared every photo you’ve sent in with your child’s classmates.
This week we’ve enjoyed our phonics sessions and using our Christmas present from Santa to spell out words.

As part of our winter work this week we’ve been freezing water outside. We filled our water containers with lots of interesting things to try and get out once the water had frozen. We also made jackets for our ice blocks to see how long we could keep it frozen for. We made predictions about the different materials we used. Some of our ice was still frozen by the end of the day! We worked out that the best material was cotton wool and felt.

We’ve been talking a lot about the 4 seasons of the year. Have a look at some of the children’s beautiful drawings from home and school this week. Thank you for all of your contributions.

From Monday we will be using a Foundation year group blog for you to access all of your child’s remote learning provision. The Skipper blog will still be here but we will only post here on a Friday to celebrate the children’s work. Continue to check here to see what the children have been doing at home and school every Friday.
The Foundation year group blog will provide you with homemade videos filmed by your favourite Foundation teachers teaching you just as they would in school. You’ll find a daily phonics session, Maths and Literacy videos, links and games.
Google Meet links will be sent to you via parent mail to meet with your teacher virtually everyday. We will be meeting you for a story time every day and we will meet with small groups of children over the course of the week. Please wait for more information to follow about our virtual meetings, we plan to start them later on this week.
The Foundation year group blog will be live from Monday at 8.30am and we can’t wait for you to see us teaching you through the power of technology. Follow the link below from Monday or you can find the blog through our school website on the same page you find the Skipper Class blog.
We miss you all so much and can’t wait for the time when we’re all back together again. Please keep posting on EExAT as we look at it everyday and share what you’re doing at home with your friends in school.
Sending warmest wishes,
Mrs Bracey