Let’s start with an alphabet song…
Friday is always a revision day at school. Open up your phoneme book and see if you can remember the new digraphs learnt this week (short oo, long oo, ar and ur).
Check you have a word and picture on each page or spend some time today catching up.
Test your family by playing eye spy with these pictures (curl, card, star, moon, woods)
Have a go at reading the question below. What makes this sentence a question?
Have a go at using these sentence starters to complete the sentences. You might want to start with a different sentence starter that your adult can help you with. Use your sounds to segment words you’d like to write for example, Winter is… c – o – l – d. Winter is wearing… h – a – t – s. Winter is feeling… s – n – u – g.
Winter is… f – r – o – s – t – y.
In this session we are going to be thinking about our number formation so grab a pen/pencil and some paper and watch the following song! Make sure that you try to form your numbers the way that it shows you in the song!
Next week we will be starting to look at subtraction so over the weekend we would like you to remind yourself of these symbols.

Have a chat with your grown ups and talk about what they mean and when you might use them!
Have a lovely weekend!