Listen to this tricky word song to see how many you can remember…
Have a look at the pictures below. Use your robot arms to say the word of each picture and see if you can guess what our new digraph is for today.

When you say ‘ar’ open your mouth like you’re visiting the dentist and say a nice big ‘arrrrrr.’

Practise your best pirate impression when listening to this song.
Choose your favourite ‘ar’ words to write in your phoneme book and draw/stick a picture in to match.
For today’s task you’ll need an A4 piece of paper. Fold it in half and then in half again so that you have 4 equal sections. Use each section to represent each of the 4 seasons as seen in the examples below. Discuss what you might be wearing in each season, what you might see on the trees or how it would feel. Label each section with the season you are depicting.
Here’s another season’s song for you to listen to today.
Have a go at counting all the way to 100 using one of our classes favourite songs!
Yesterday you had a go at subitising, you could try this again today with a small selection of objects around the home and then watch these songs. See how many you get right! Feel free to pause it if you need a little more time, especially the first video as it’s quite long. You may even want to save some of it for tomorrow.