Good morning everyone and welcome back to the blogs. We’re busy setting up our remote learning provision after yesterday’s announcement but for today here’s some home learning jobs for you to do which follow on from what we started learning about on Monday.
We are sad that we didn’t get a chance to properly say goodbye to the children but please let them know that we will be missing them and will see them soon.
Don’t forget our year group email is up and running so if you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at
Listen to this catchy alphabet song and try sing along!
Yesterday we learnt the short digraph ‘oo’ for book. Today’s digraph is also ‘oo’ but this time it’s the long ‘oo’ sound like in moon, spoon and zoo. Have a go at reading the oo words below.
Open up your phoneme book, find the oo digraph and have a go at writing some of your own words with pictures to match.
There is also a new tricky bug for today…
Try using the new tricky word in a sentence.
In Literacy this week we’ve kick started our winter topic by talking about the 4 seasons of the year. Listen to one of these songs to get you started.
Have a discussion about the seasons and the changes that we see. How do we know when a season changes? Do we change what we do, what we wear or even what we eat in the different seasons?
Now think about winter specifically. What does winter feel and look like? Draw a picture of what you might wear outside on a winter’s day and label it.
Listen and join in with this wintery number song …
We are starting this half term off by reminding ourselves of our counting skills before we move on to some subtraction later on. One skill we are beginning to use is to subitise, this means to judge (the number of objects in a group) rapidly, accurately and confidently without counting them, for example knowing the amount of dots on a dice or a domino just from a look. Have a look at the images below and see how many you can ‘subitise.’

Thank you.