This week’s funky fingers activities have included decorating trees using tweezers, pom poms and buttons, using spoons to pop marbles in the small holes of clay pots, using spinning tops and working with play dough.
This week we’ve been writing who we play in the Christmas show.
Please keep them coming in. We love to look at them and share them with the class and they’re making our tree sparkle!
This week we’ve rehearsed and performed our first school Christmas performance, a huge achievement and something we’re extremely proud of. The children were amazing and blew us away with their singing and story telling. We can’t wait to share it with all of their families on a DVD.

2 Replies to “Our week in pictures 🎄”

  1. Cannot wait to see the nativity, my favourite Christmas treat, thank you for all your hard work putting it together. We have watched Suki practice many many times!

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